life support
survival from interaction
shane cooper

A garden is suspended among four display monitors. Each monitor displays the signal from a separate infrared video camera. The garden remains in darkness, the displays showing no image, until a visitor approaches to supply it with light from his or her presence - through which the garden survives.

image: aurelie dubois

image: aurelie dubois

image: aurelie dubois

Dates Event Location

Bouillants #1

Le Diapason
Universite de Rennes, Campus de Beaulieu

Espace culturel le Volume

Station Vastemonde
St. Brieuc

Michel Bret and Edmond Couchot, Pascal Glissmann and Martina Hoefflin, Marie-Julie Bourgeois and Luiza Jacobsen, Catherine Nyeki and Marc Denjean, Shane Cooper

This work was designed and executed by S.A.GA, and would not have been possible without them.

Shane Cooper
Gwenn Potard - Coordination
Gaetan Allin - Design
Michel Le Gravier - Construction
Mael Teilland - Computing
Aurelie Dubois - Photography